Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Tactile-Based Stories and Symbols Webinar
 Council for Exceptional Children DVIDB
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 Available Online
 April 10, 2019 - April 11, 2019 - 04/10/2019 - 04/11/2019
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Nicole JohnsonNjohnson@kutztown.edu
Registration Information
 CEC- DVIDB members freenon members $15Register at http://community.cec.sped.org/dvi/home
 CEC- DVIDB members freenon members $15
Description of CE Program/Activity
 The presenters have collaborated in the past on using tactile based stories to increase student engagement during whole class reading group featuring students with significant cognitive disabilities, including those with visual impairments. In addition, whole and partial symbols have been incorporated into a student with cortical vision impairment's schedule and IEP goal assessments to increase her inclusion and self-determination by promoting choice. This presentation will include helpful tips, examples, and resources that were found to be helpful as well as ending with a make and take that session participants will be able to start their tactile approach