Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Vision and Hearing Loss
 Miss State University NRTC
View more by this Provider
 Available Online - https://www.ntac.blind.msstate.edu/courses/courses.php?course=working-with-older
 Available On Demand
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Angela Shelton ashelton@colled.msstate.edu
Registration Information
 Sign up online by providing name, email address, location (state, territory, etc.), position (job role), electing to receive continuing education credits, and opting in to receiving the NRTC newsletter (optional).
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Older adults often face the combined loss of both vision and hearing. This course reviews the physical causes for hearing loss and the impact of hearing loss on individuals. It also covers the services and technologies that can improve quality of life. Learning objectives After completing this course, registrants will be able to identify the causes and types of hearing loss and their impact on older adults with vision loss; identify technology that will enhance the independent living of older adults with combined vision and hearing loss; apply strategies, such as practical tips and checklists, for working with older adults with combined vision and hearing loss; and identify resources for services to older adults with combined vision and hearing loss.