Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Supervisors' Retreat: Blindness Visual Impairment, Deaf-Blind, Deaf Hard of Hearing
 Harrisburg, PA
 February 5, 2022 - February 6, 2022
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Jennifer Edgar, 610-878-7218, jedgar@pattan.net, PaTTAN East
Registration Information
 Registration online
Description of CE Program/Activity
 The Supervisors' Retreat, Blindness Visual Impairment for Administrators, is designed for supervisors of vision professionals. it will address specific needs to operate successful vision programs. The event will focus on content current to the field of vision. Sessions will target prevailing trends around Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment, the connection of the Expanded Core Curriculum for Students who are Visually Impaired (ECC) to the Career Readiness Indicators, Components of the Technology Learning Media Assessment, and O&M Screenings. In addition, resources, Visual Impairment for Administrators, and the ECC will be covered. Participants will be able to:1. Explain current trends around Cortical/Cerebral Visual Impairment2. Describe how ESSA and Career Standards connect to the Expanded Core Curriculum for Students who are Visually Impaired3. Identify 3 components of the TLMA 4. Identify three environmental areas for O&M instruction