Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Council for Exceptional Children National Convention
 Council for Exceptional Children DVIDB
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 Idianapolis, IN - Convention Center and Surrounding Hotels
 January 29, 2019 - February 2, 2019 - 01/29/2019 - 02/02/2019
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Dr. Nicole Johnson - CECDVIDB President elect: njohnson@kutztown.edu 570-205-9487https://cecconvention.org/
Registration Information
 Registration offers a variety of options (All days and one day options) attached is the link. Reduced rates for CEC members compared to non members https://cecconvention.org/registration-options-2019/
 Variety of different options based on membershiphttps://cecconvention.org/registration-options-2019/
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is the International Special Education conference. Within CEC there are several divisions including the Division on Visual Impairments and Deafblindness (DVIDB). DVIDB is given there own time slots and strands to hold sessions throughout the convention. Right now DVIDB is slated for 16 total hours over the 5 days.The convention officially starts Wednesday January 30th and we have 11 hours worth of sessions (that are not posters). On Tuesday January 29th we have a pre convention from 9-4:00 focusing on Cortical visual impairment (flyer attached) this includes an hour lunch/5 hours worth of professional development. I attached all learning outcomes/titles for sessions and information about the pre conference day as well as registration information.