Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Empowerment Through Touch: Haptic Communications for Individuals who are Deaf-Blind or Visually Impaired
 Southeast Deaf Blind Projects Training S
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 Asheville, NC
 November 17, 2018 - November 18, 2018 - 11/17/2018 - 11/18/2018
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Martha Veto mveto@uga.edu 478-550-2367Krista Olsen kolsen@scsdb.org 864-542-7397
Registration Information
 Registration was handled by state deaf-blind projects
 none- sponsored by SE State Deaf-Blind Project Network
Description of CE Program/Activity
 This 2-day event is lead by Marilyn Trader, MSW, Helen Keller National Center Regional Representative, and Ashley Benton, LCSW, MSW, Deaf/Blind Services Coordinator, NC Department of Health and Human Services. The event introduced Haptic Communication and taught participants about the history of Haptics and its uses with individuals with vision impairment and deaf-blindness. Participants learned about hand shapes and articulation areas, reference signals, describing a room, levels and grading using haptics. During lunch, participants were blindfolded and took turns using haptics to guide others through lunch lines, to tables and describe what was going on in the room.