Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 O&M for Students with Multiple Disabilities: Part 1
 Allied Independence, LLC.
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 Available Online - We will meet on a live interactive webinar on Zoom.us.
 September 25, 2018 - September 25, 2018 - 09/25/2018
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Kassandra Maloney, kassy@kassymaloney.com
Registration Information
 This is Part 1 of a 4 part Study Group.
 $67 for the entire study group
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Students with multiple disabilities have needs that we don't always learn about in our University classes. Each individual student has an array of obstacles/complications that can make it difficult to understand what they need in order to live their most independent, fulfilling lives. For the past 11 years, I have seen this happen over and over again. It happens to all of us. We get a student who has multiple disabilities on our caseload. While we know they can accomplish so much more than they are doing right now, we aren't exactly sure how to help them get there or how to get their entire team on board. In this study group, you will gain the knowledge and strategies that you need to effectively assess and teach children with multiple disabilities. You will have the confidence that you know what and how to assess students with multiple disabilities, how to write appropriate goals, and how work with each team member in order to help them increase their travel skills. You will be able to design Adapted Mobility Devices with ease and teach appropriate cane skills to a wide variety of students with multiple disabilities.