Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 MCB Personality Disorder Training
 Massachusetts Commission for the Blind (MCB)
View more by this Provider
 Boston, MA - 600 Washington St. Room 4067 &4068, Boston, MA 02111
 April 6, 2018 - April 6, 2018 - 9:30-4:00
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Casey Hall, Director of Training
Registration Information
 Registration limited to MCB Staff
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Learning Objectives:1.Participants will be able to define personality.2.Participants will be able to differentiate state and trait personality.3.Participants will be able to describe the basic concepts of personality theories.4.Participants will be able to define personality disorders.5.Participants will be able to describe the diagnostic features of paranoid personality disorder.6.Participants will be able to describe the diagnostic features of schizoid personality disorder.7.Participants will be able to describe the diagnostic features of schizotypal personality disorder.8.Participants will be able to describe the diagnostic features of paranoid personality disorder.9.Participants will be able to describe the diagnostic features of antisocial personality disorder.10.Participants will be able to describe the diagnostic features of borderline personality disorder.11.Participants will be able to describe the diagnostic features of histrionic personality disorder.12.Participants will be able to describe the diagnostic features of narcissistic personality disorder.13.Participants will be able to describe the diagnostic features of avoidant personality disorder.14.Participants will be able to describe the diagnostic features of dependent personality disorder.15.Participants will be able to describe the diagnostic features of paranoid personality disorder.16.Participants will be able to describe the diagnostic features of obsessive personality disorder.17.Participants will be able to describe the treatment components of DBT.