Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 The broad objective of this training workshop is to provide information about conducting an assistive technology evaluation of students who are blind or visually impaired. Before embarking on the evaluation process TVIs and AT specialists will need to develop a solid foundation of knowledge about the wide variety of technology tools that can be used by students who are blind or have low vision to access the general education curriculum and accomplish their educational objectives. Participants will be provided with an organizational structure to understand and categorize the various tools available and the tasks for which they provide access. Four major areas will be emphasized in both the overview of technology segment and the evaluation
 Georgia Academy for the Blind/Smokey Powell Center GVEST
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 Macon, GA - Smokey Powell Center at the Georgia Acadmey for the Blind2895 Vineville Avenue
 May 17, 2018 - May 18, 2018
CE Hours
 12 hours
Contact Information
 Zelma C. Murray
Registration Information
 Registration will be handled through the Smokey Powell Center. Prior to the event, a registration form must be completed by the participant and sent in to the Smokey Powell Center for review.
Description of CE Program/Activity
 The broad objective of this training workshop is to provide information about conducting an assistive technology evaluation of students who are blind or visually impaired. Before embarking on the evaluation process TVIs and AT specialists will need to develop a solid foundation of knowledge about the wide variety of technology tools that can be used by students who are blind or have low vision to access the general education curriculum and accomplish their educational objectives. Participants will be provided with an organizational structure to understand and categorize the various tools available and the tasks for which they provide access. Four major areas will be emphasized in both the overview of technology segment and the evaluation process: Accessing printed information Accessing electronic/digital information in the digital workflow Writing and producing written communication manually and digitally Preparing and producing materials in alternate formats; braille, large print, digital