Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 What Our Veterans and Service Members are Teaching Us about Brain Injury
 Envision University
View more by this Provider
 Available Online - www.envisionuniversity.org
 February 22, 2018 - January 30, 2021
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Michael Epp michael.epp@envisionus.com
Registration Information
 Register online at: https://university.envisionus.com/Courses-and-Events
Description of CE Program/Activity
 According to the Department of Defense, traumatic brain injury is one of the invisible wounds of war, and one of the signature injuries of troops wounded in Afghanistan and Iraq. Over 300,000 service members have been diagnosed with some form of TBI since 2000, with 85% being mild TBI. Greater than two-thirds of those with TBI self-report visual symptoms although the vast majority has good visual acuity. Many are left with multiple residual deficits including reading and visual scanning dysfunctions that may adversely affect their rehabilitation and avocational/vocational goals. While the visual sequelae may vary slightly depending on the etiology of the brain injury (polytrauma, blast, trauma or CVA) the similarities are such that what we learn from our service members/veterans is applicable to the civilian population. The low vision rehab specialist has the unique skill set necessary to identify and treat visual dysfunction secondary to brain injury and thus is an important member of the rehabilitation team for those with brain injury of any type, including trauma, stroke, tumor or sports injuries. Identifying those with vision problems and providing necessary treatment is crucial for successful rehabilitation.Learning Objectives1. The attendee will be able to list the vision problems that are most often encountered in those with mild/moderate acquired brain injury.2. The attendee will be able to describe the exam techniques utilized to identify vision dysfunction as a result of acquired brain injury.3. The attendee will be able to determine how to utilize lenses, prisms, low vision devices and vision therapy in the treatment/rehabilitation of persons with acquired brain injury.