Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Promoting Social Competence
 Perkins School for the Blind
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 Available Online - The tutorial uses the text Keys to Educational Success: Teaching Students with Visual Impairments and Multiple Disabilities, which is available from Amazon or APH.
 Available On Demand - self-paced
CE Hours
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Description of CE Program/Activity
 Participants will identify:the differences in social development among students with visual impairments and multiple disabilities, and their peers who have a visual impairment only, or who are sighted; levels of social development that influence the acquisition of social skills; the components that define social skills; methods with assessing social skills including; observation, checklists, family and teacher interviews, and role play and problem solving scenarios; methods for assessing students' level of executive functioning; assessments for cognitive behavioral and social thinking skills; how scripts can be used with students who have visual impairments and multiple disabilities to encourage social interactions.