Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Beyond Arms Reach: O & M Curriculum Made accessible for Travelers who are Deaf-Blind
 Helen Keller National Center
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 Sands Point, NY - This course will be provided in a hybrid format with the first 14 days online in an asynchronous learning environment.
 April 9, 2017 - May 4, 2017
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Cindy Witkow
Registration Information
 This course is for professionals who are either teaching or supervising in the field and qualify in one of the following categories: Certified Orientation and Mobility Specialists (COMS) National O&M Certificants (NOMC) Agency trained mobility instructors with 5 years of experience under a certified specialist Dog guide trainersEach applicant will be individually considered. Sign language skills are not required. If you are uncertain about applicant qualifications please contact Orientation & Mobility Department at the Helen Keller National Center at 516-944-8900 ext 284 or PLD@hknc.org
 $900 Includes online training, four days of on-site training, training manual, four nights lodging and three meals a day. Housing is available on campus on a first come first served basis and all rooms are double occupancy. **Monday night in NYC, participants are responsible for their own expenses of travel and food which will be approximately $45.
Description of CE Program/Activity
 The focus of this intensive, hands-on seminar will be service provision for people who are deaf-blind and to all consumers with a combined vision and hearing loss, particularly travelers using sign language as their primary communication mode. Participants will acquire the tools, strategies, and resources needed to teach a comprehensive O&M program to adults who are deaf-blind. Insights into deaf-blind culture and community will be explored.