Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 IOT (Internet of Things) and Accessibility/Guide Dog Instruction on Routes With No Sidewalks
 Division of Vocational Rehabilation
View more by this Provider
 Denver, CO
 September 21, 2016 - September 21, 2016
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Ruth Keller
Registration Information
 CO DVR staff only
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Information on how IOT and big data and cloud technology concepts create a Wayfinding solution for the blind and visually impaired to learn about their surroundings and navigate public places and explore the world independently.Information on why dog guide teams should walk on the left side in areas without sidewalks. Participants will learn how guide teams can ensure they stay near the edge in areas without sidewalks, strategies for maintaining orientation when approaching and crossing intersecting streets in areas without sidewalks, and ideal positioning for monitoring safety when working with dog guide teams.