Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Course 2 Instructional Strategies for Deaf-Blind Learners - OHOA Modules 10, 11, 13
 Texas School for the Blind & Visually Im
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 Available Online
 September 26, 2016 - February 3, 2017 - Each module must be completed within a 4-week time span
CE Hours
 8-10 hours per module for a total of 26 contact hours
Contact Information
 Martha Veto at mveto@uga.edu or 478-550-2367Adam Graves at gravesa@tsbvi.edu or 512-206-9431
Registration Information
 To register go to http://txtsbvi.escworks.netYou must also complete a survey prior to registering at http://www.surveymonkey.com/r/OHOA16-option2
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Module 10: Concept Development and Active Learning - 8 hoursIn this module, participants explore more about the role that active learning and exploration play for students who are deaf-blind - incorporating activities that support concept development for students every day.Module 11: Intervener Strategies - 8 hoursWithin this module, the learner delves deeper into the essential role and function of the intervener. Come learn how to refine your observational skills. Learn about the key principles of how to: "do with and not for"; "be a 'bridge' not a barrier" for students; use hand-under-hand techniques, and how to apply the techniques of wait time and pacing for processing.Module 13: Calendars - 10 hoursCalendars for children with deaf-blindness are individualized time pieces that help them make sense of and participate in their environment. Calendars also provide a rich way of accessing information and having conversation. In addition to providing individuals with a sense of safety, they can also provide a way for individuals to share their opinions with others.