Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 2016 CDE O&M SeminarTitle of Program: Putting ORIENTATION in O&M
 Colorado Department of Education
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 Centennial, CO - AMES Library in Littleton School District7300 Clermont StreetCentennial, CO
 April 15, 2016 - April 16, 2016 - 04/15/2016 - 04/16/2016
CE Hours
 7.5 clock hours
Contact Information
 Tanni Anthony - Anthony_t@cde.state.co.us
Registration Information
 Registration has closed - it was advertised via email to only CO O&Ms through the CDE O&M distribution list. Registration was completed through Survey Monkey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/2016_OrientationMobilitySeminarDetails sent with the registration link:Putting Orientation back into O&MThe 2016 CDE Orientation and Mobility Seminar will be held on Friday and Saturday, April 15 and 16th at the AMES Library of the Littleton School District. The library is located at 7300 South Clermont Drive in Centennial, Colorado. For those of you who participated in a UEB Refresher Course, this is the same location.Training Description: The training will address how to teach spatial concepts paired with mental mapping skills and encourage students to become independent travelers in all travel environments. Participants will learn a multitude of concrete activities to teach orientation skills in fun, motivating ways. This session will cover key orientation concepts, building mental maps, creating/teaching simple tactile maps and Auditory Object Perception (process of locating distant objects using sound wave). High tech O&M will also be introduced through a variety of iOS games and activities.Learning Objectives include:1. Participants will learn how to teach foundation orientation skills to young O&M students, older students who struggle with orientation, and how to modify teaching techniques for students with visual impairment and additional disabilities.2. Participants will learn how tactile maps develop spatial concepts and mental mapping skills and how to create simple, cost/time efficient tactile maps of various school and community environments.3. Participants will understand and learn to teach the basic concepts of Auditory Object Perception (AOP) and how students are able to determine the height, width, density and texture of various objects using AOP.Speaker: The featured speaker across both days of training will be
 There is no registration fee
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Training Description: The training will address how to teach spatial concepts paired with mental mapping skills and encourage students to become independent travelers in all travel environments. Participants will learn a multitude of concrete activities to teach orientation skills in fun, motivating ways. This session will cover key orientation concepts, building mental maps, creating/teaching simple tactile maps and Auditory Object Perception (process of locating distant objects using sound wave). High tech O&M will also be introduced through a variety of iOS games and activities.