Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Spring Fling Conference
 Nebraska City, NE
 April 14, 2016 - April 15, 2016 - 04/14/2016
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Dr. Tanya Hilligoss
Registration Information
 Register online at: www.ncecbvi.org, under Professional Development. Lunch and snacks will be provided both days. Registration deadline is March 30.
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Transition: Whose Job Is It?!?!? In this workshop, Dr. Karen Wolffe will discuss the critical roles that students, parents, and educational personnel (especially teachers of students with visual impairments and orientation and mobility specialists) play in the transition process. Dr. Wolffe will describe current assessment tools and techniques to initiate the transition planning process and then provide detailed descriptions of programming options and the anticipated outcomes that can be achieved before students exit from the public school system. Instructional resources will be shared throughout. Attendees are encouraged to read Dr. Wolffe s chapter on Career Education (chapter 11) in the AFB text, ECC Essentials: Teaching the Expanded Core Curriculum to Students with Visual Impairments (Allman, Lewis, & Spungin, 2014) in advance of this workshop.