Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Oklahoma AER Conference
 Oklahoma Chapter of AER
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 Oklahoma City, OK
 August 6, 2014 - August 7, 2014 - 08/06/2014 - 08/07/2014
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Debi Trout, Conference Chair. dtrout@okdrs.gov
Registration Information
 The event was held in OKC. Registration was open and CVRT, COMS and VI teachers were encouraged to attend to further skills. Rehab. Counselors were also in attendance. The event lasted 1 1/2 days. Joe Strechay from AFB was the presenter.
 Early Bird registration$75.00 Reg. fee $100 Student fee $75.00
Description of CE Program/Activity
 Educational event to increase skills and knowledge in the area of Career/Transition. The event had back to back work shops for 1 1/2 days. The Agenda had: College and postsecondary prep, post-secondary goals prep , tips and advice career planning, putting an employment focused into all areas, public transportation Creating partnerships with employers, Promising transition practices in the US, current state employment, AFB career Connect update and AFB/other resources.