Event Details

CE Program/Activity
 Unified English Braille-Intermediate Instruction
 South Carolina Vision Education Partners
View more by this Provider
 Lexington, SC
 July 13, 2015 - July 14, 2015
CE Hours
Contact Information
 Marty McKenzie
Registration Information
 Registration was completed on line using the Event Bright Syatem.
Description of CE Program/Activity
 This session focusses on learning the UEB Code. Instruction will be provided to participants regarding the appropriate use of group signs. Participants will read/ink print from braille copies and use braillewriters to transcribe print into braille. The session will further address changes in braille formation in UEB. Participants will review words where changes in UEB impacts how braille appears visually and in hard copy. Participants will discuss and become proficient in the reading and transcription of punctuation symbols in UEB. Participants will receive instruction in changes to bold, italics and underline as well as other symbols in UEB. Lastly, participants will gain skills in the transcription of materials in math, science and foreign language in UEB. Participants will be able to open and close Nemeth Code in UEB as well as read and transcribe science and foreign language.